
typescriptfp-tsalgebraic structures

July 11, 2021

This is a series of articles where I’m attempting to describe most common algebraic structures implemented by fp-ts library:

In the previous article we’ve learned about Semigroups and how they abstract the operation of merging data types through the use of a concat operator. A Monoid is a Semigroup, but it also has defined an empty element (sometimes called the identity element), which if concatenated with type a, gives back the same a (neutral operation)

interface Monoid<T> extends Semigroup<T> {
  readonly empty: T

More formally, all Monoids are Semigroups if and only if they obey the following associativity rules:

  • Right identity => concat(t, empty) == t
  • Left identity   => concat(empty, t) == t

The empty element provides a way to merge two monoids without specifying the default value like we had to do with Semigroups. Let’s see a couple of examples for basic types like numbers, strings and arrays:

export const MonoidProduct: Monoid<number> = {
  concat: (first, second) => first * second,
  empty: 1, // <-- identity element

export const MonoidSum: Monoid<number> = {
  concat: (first, second) => first + second,
  empty: 0, // <-- identity element

export const getMonoidArray = <T>(): Monoid<Array<T>> => ({
  concat: (first, second) => first.concat(second),
  empty: [], // <-- identity element
const MonoidArrayNumber = getMonoidArray<number>()
const MonoidArrayString = getMonoidArray<string>()

// Number products
concatAll(MonoidProduct)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // 120
concatAll(MonoidProduct)([]) // 1

// Number sums
concatAll(MonoidSum)([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // 15
concatAll(MonoidSum)([]) // 0

// Array of numbers joins
concatAll(MonoidArrayNumber)([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
concatAll(MonoidArrayNumber)([]) // []

// Array of strings joins
concatAll(MonoidArrayString)([["hello"], ["world"]]) // ["hello", "world"]
concatAll(MonoidArrayString)([]) // []

We can reimplement our example from previous article with Product using Monoids instead of Semigroups to avoid defining a default value for the Product. Since every specific Monoid (KeepLongerName, KeepLowerPrice and MergeCategories) defines an empty value, we no longer have to worry about the default value for the Product; the responsability has shifted to the individual Monoids.

- import { struct } from "fp-ts/Semigroup"
+ import { struct } from "fp-ts/Monoid"

// Always keep the longer name
- const KeepLongerName: Semigroup<string> = {
+ const KeepLongerName: Monoid<string> = {
    concat: (first, second) => (first.length >= second.length ? first : second),
+   empty: "",

// Keep the product with the lower price
- const KeepLowerPrice: Semigroup<number> = {
+ const KeepLowerPrice: Monoid<number> = {
    concat: (first, second) => (first <= second ? first : second),
+   empty: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,

// Combine unique categories
- const MergeCategories: Semigroup<Array<string>> = {
+ const MergeCategories: Monoid<Array<string>> = {
    concat: (first, second) => [ Set([...first, ...second])],
+   empty: [],

// If we know how to concat objects fields, we automatically know how to merge the whole object as well (using `struct`)
- const ProductSemigroup: Semigroup<Product> = struct({
+ const ProductMonoid: Monoid<Product> = struct({
    name: KeepLongerName,
    price: KeepLowerPrice,
    categories: MergeCategories,

const products: Product[] = [
  { name: "Echo Dot", price: 49.99, categories: ["speaker", "home"] },
  { name: "Echo Dot 3rd gen", price: 59.99, categories: ["smart"] },
  { name: "Echo", price: 39.99, categories: [] },

- // Semigroup needs default value to start with
- const defaultProduct: Product = {
-   name: "",
-   price: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
-   categories: [],
- }
- export const mergedProducts = concatAll(ProductSemigroup)(defaultProduct)(
-   products
- )
+ export const mergedProducts = concatAll(ProductMonoid)(products)
/* {
"name": "Echo Dot 3rd gen",
"price": 39.99,
"categories": ["speaker", "home", "smart"]
} */

In conclusion, Monoid extends Semigroup and the only major difference between them is that Monoid requires an empty element for the type that it is defined for, which removes the need for explicit default value when concatenating types.

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