Equality and Ordering

typescriptfp-tsalgebraic structures

July 17, 2021

This is a series of articles where I’m attempting to describe most common algebraic structures implemented by fp-ts library:


We can use Eq typeclass in order to determine whether two elements of the same type are equal.

interface Eq<T> {
  readonly equals: (first: T, second: T) => boolean

The following rules must apply:

  1. Reflexivity
equals(first, first) === true
  1. Symmetry
equals(first, second) === equals(second, first)
  1. Transitivity
equals(first, second) === true &&
  equals(second, third) === true &&
  // If the two above conditions are true, then the
  // following condition must be true as well
  equals(first, third) === true

Implementing Eq for simple types is trivial, and fp-ts already provides implementations for most types (like string, number and boolean).

import { Eq } from "fp-ts/Eq"
import * as N from "fp-ts/number"
import * as S from "fp-ts/string"
import * as B from "fp-ts/boolean"

// Same as S.Eq
const EqString: Eq<string> = {
  equals: (first, second) => first === second,

// Same as N.Eq
const EqNumber: Eq<number> = {
  equals: (first, second) => first === second,

// Same as B.Eq
const EqBoolean: Eq<boolean> = {
  equals: (first, second) => first === second,

Javascript can handle comparing primitive types easily and the implementation above is trivial, since we’re using native strict equality operator (===). Implementing Eq for complex types is where it gets interesting. Javascript can’t easily work with equality when considering objects and arrays since it will compare their references and not their actual values.

{ foo: 'bar' } !== { foo: 'bar' }
[1,2,3] !== [1,2,3]

We can define Eq interface for complex types by using struct and providing Eq instances for the type’s individual fields.

import { Eq, struct } from "fp-ts/Eq"
import * as A from "fp-ts/array"

interface Product {
  name: string
  price: number
  categories: Array<string>

const EqProduct: Eq<Product> = struct({
  name: S.Eq,
  price: N.Eq,
  categories: A.getEq(S.Eq),
  // two arrays are equal if all of their elements are equal by
  // using string equality (S.Eq)

  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] }
) // true

  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello", "world"] }
) // false

By providing an Eq class for Product we are saying that two Product are the same if and only if all of Product fields are equal as well (name has to obey string equality, price has to obey number equality and categories has to obey array equality).

We can also decide that Products are equal if only one of the field is equal, for example if their names are equal (and price and categories might not be). We can do that easily by providing a struct defining only name, or we can use the contramap helper.

Given a function that takes a K and returns T (K -> T), if we provide Eq<K> we can get Eq<T>. In other words, if we have a function with type signature Product -> string, and we can provide Eq for a string (easy!), we can immediately get Eq for Product!

contramap takes a function like that and then expects an Eq instance so it knows how to produce a new Eq.

import { contramap, Eq } from "fp-ts/Eq"
import * as S from "fp-ts/string"

const EqProductByName_: Eq<Product> = contramap(({ name }) => name)(S.Eq)

// or more elegantly using `pipe`
const EqProductByName: Eq<Product> = pipe(
  contramap(({ name }) => name)

  { name: "product", price: 200, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["world"] }
) // true

  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "Product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] }
) // false

const EqProductByPrice: Eq<Product> = pipe(
  contramap(({ price }) => price)

  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["world"] }
) // true


We can use Ord typeclass to determine ordering relation between two elements of the same type.

import { Eq } from "fp-ts/lib/Eq"

type Ordering = -1 | 0 | 1

interface Ord<A> extends Eq<A> {
  readonly compare: (first: T, second: T) => Ordering

// first < second
compare(first, second) === -1

// first > second
compare(first, second) === 1

// first = second
compare(first, second) === 0

The following rules must apply:

  1. Reflexivity
compare(first, first) <= 0
  1. Antisymmetry
compare(first, second) <= 0 &&
compare(second, first) <= 0 &&
// If the two above conditions are true,
// then first and second are equal
first === second
  1. Transitivity
compare(first, second) <= 0 &&
compare(second, third) <= 0 &&
// If the two above conditions are true, then the
// following condition must be true as well
compare(first, third) <= 0

Based on the antisymmetry rule, we can derive equals from compare:

const EqNumber: Eq<number> = {
  equals: (first, second) => compare(first, second) === 0,

Similar to Eq, we can also order complex types by a specific field:

import { Ord, contramap } from "fp-ts/Ord"
import * as N from "fp-ts/number"
import * as S from "fp-ts/string"

export const OrdProductByPrice: Ord<Product> = pipe(
  /* order Products by price field, using number Ord */
  contramap(({ price }) => price)

export const OrdProductByName: Ord<Product> = pipe(
  /* order Products by name field, using string Ord */
  contramap(({ name }) => name)

  { name: "product", price: 100, categories: ["hello"] },
  { name: "product", price: 200, categories: ["hello", "world"] }
) // -1

// Generic sort function that can order array based on arbitrary Ord instance
export const sort = <T>(O: Ord<T>) => (array: ReadonlyArray<T>) =>

const product1: Product = { name: "product", price: 300, categories: ["foo"] }
const product2: Product = { name: "another", price: 100, categories: ["bar"] }
const product3: Product = { name: "third", price: 200, categories: ["bar", "baz"] }
const products = [product1, product2, product3]

const sortedByPrice = pipe(
) // [product2, product3, product1]

const sortedByName = pipe(
) // [product2, product1, product3]

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